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Brassica 2025
Early-career Travel Grants

Brassica 2025 is offering travel grants worth 500 EUR each, plus free or refunded earlybird registration, for up to three excellent early-career researchers working on genetics or breeding of Brassica/crucifer crops. Applicants must be current PhD students or recent postdoctoral graduates (PhD awarded no earlier than September 1, 2022). All applicants will be informed whether their applications were successful at least two weeks before the close of earlybird registration, so that it is not necessary to register for the conference prior to the award decision if your attendance depends on grant funding. However, even if you have not yet registered you must include an abstract for your (intended) oral or poster presentation in your grant application.


To apply, please complete the form below and upload a single PDF file containing the following:


1) A motivation letter (maximum one A4-page) describing why you are applying for this travel grant.


2) A brief CV (max 2 pages) including the title of your PhD project or thesis. Postdocs must also include the date when they defended their PhD.


3) The title, list of authors and a 250 word abstract for your intended presentation or poster at Brassica 2025.


4) A letter of support from your PhD supervisor or postdoc mentor (maximum one page), including confirmation that you will obtain any additional financial support needed to attend Brassica 2025 if you are awarded the free registration and 500 EUR travel grant. 



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